Choosing A Better Business

Limiting Injuries While Working As A General Laborer

5 October 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

There are lots of good livings that are made working as a general laborer. Unfortunately, if you don't take all precautions, you could find yourself injured long before you have the chance to retire. Here, you'll find a few tips that can help you avoid injuries while working most general labor jobs. Stay Fit This doesn't mean you have to completely flip your lifestyle, but if you aren't already thinking about your personal fitness, it's time to start doing so. Read More …

Why Your Surety Bond Company Might Run A Credit Check

3 April 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you are involved in the construction industry and are looking to purchase a surety bond, you might have found that many companies actually conduct credit checks and other checks related to your finances. Like many, you might be curious about why this is the case. These are some of the reasons why a surety bond company may run a credit check on you before granting the bond. Ensuring Your Company is Reputable Read More …

Anxious To Fit Your Resume On A Single Page? Remove These Things

21 February 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

When it comes to writing a resume, you need to juggle the tasks of filling the document with important, desirable details about yourself, as well as keeping the document from getting to be too long. Although a two-page resume won't necessarily sabotage your ability to get a job, you may feel a desire to keep the document to a single page — especially if the job application has specified brevity. It can be difficult to look at your list of credentials and begin deleting things. Read More …

Bad Back? Options To Help Your Back Feel Better While At Work

19 January 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

Sitting all day in office chairs can be brutal on your back, especially if those office chairs do not conform to the human spine. If you find that your back really hurts after a few hours of sitting in the office, and getting up to stretch does not seem to help, it may be time to do something about it. Here are a few options that will make your back feel so much better. Read More …

What Are Some Things Your Auto Dealership Can Expect To Get From Car Sales Phone Training?

19 January 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

Do you own or manage an auto dealership? Perhaps you are not satisfied with your overall sales. You may even be considering a training program or registering your car salesmen for a  conference to boost sales. Some dealerships invite sales moguls to their locations in an effort to teach their team more effective sales. If your dealership is not satisfied with its sales, it is important to note that these options are likely to be expensive. Read More …

About Me
Choosing A Better Business

How happy are you with your business? If you are like most owners, there might be a thing or two you might want to do to improve things. I started thinking more seriously about how to perfect my company about a month ago, and it was really interesting to see how much there was to do. Within a few weeks, I had changed a few things about my plan, and it was nice to see things transform into a brighter future. I wanted to start up a blog to help other people to create a stronger company, so check it out.
